Giving Back

Sometimes referred to as the ratchet Robin Hood, Mike Busey has always believed in giving back. Mike Busey truly believes he has been blessed and he wants to share his blessing with the rest of the world. The world may think of Mike as a crazy party animal but his true passion is helping others. Every Christmas Busey assembles his gang of outcasts to help save Christmas for strangers in desperate need!
Each Veterans Day Mike invites veterans into his home for free haircuts, tattoos, dinner, drinks, entertainment and of course blowjobs!
Mike Busey regularly donates his time, money and resources to his community and believes it’s his responsibility to help those less fortunate then him.
“I know what it feels like to have nothing! Living in trailer parks & a foster home will impact you! I never was given shit! Nothing is better than helping someone who really needs it!” – Mike Busey
If you or your business would like to help Mike Busey with any of his philanthropic efforts please email